Vouchercloud ranked the top 25 countries
and regions in the world by intelligence.
It quantifies intelligence to include the
number of Nobel Prizes each nation has won to represent historic intelligence,
the current average IQ and "educational attainment" to represent the
potential intelligence of the next generation.Asia and Europe dominate the
list, with Japan taking the top spot thanks to its high placing across all three
metrics, where it comes in fifth overall in the school test rankings and sixth
overall in both Nobel prizes and current IQ.
China ranked third. The US comes in an
impressive fourth, although its ranking is flattered greatly by its
extraordinary dominance in the Nobel category.
And while Europe has an impressive five
nations and regions in the current top 10, it's Asia that points to the
future.The inexorable march of Asia's intelligentsia rightly garners more and
more Nobel prizes.
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