Li Keqiang new chess game Lazi Yangtze River Economic Belt initial list of only nine provinces


Yangtze River economic belt beginning to appear , including Zhejiang and Guizhou provinces and 11 were included . Future through a number of major projects and the implementation of reform and opening up , build up the coastal and western mutual support, positive interaction of the new game.

April 28 , Chinese Premier Li Keqiang chaired a forum in Chongqing , studies relying on the construction of the golden waterway of the Yangtze River economic belt, is China's sustained economic development provides important support.

New Chinese economic support

Li Keqiang at the meeting that the implementation of the CPC Central Committee and State Council on the construction of the Yangtze River economic belt of major decisions and plans for effectively expand domestic demand and promote stable economic growth , adjusting the regional structure , the realization of China's economic upgrading of great significance.

Hubei Provincial Academy of Social Sciences Institute������Regional Economic Research Institute of the Yangtze River to the "First Financial Daily" reporters , said the Yangtze River economic belt in the "Plan" plan identified as the axis of the country's economic development , was two, one is coast, one of the Yangtze River . But 30 years ago, the Yangtze River and coastal development gradually widened the gap.

"After such a long time to restart the Yangtze River economic belt building internal and external reasons ." Peng Zhimin that " three coastal delta has developed to a relatively high level, the growth rate will definitely come down , but the international market is not very boom , from the domestic and international situation is concerned, the inevitable would like to move inland , a better approach is to shift along the Yangtze River region . "

"Capacity developed areas of environmental resources has reached a critical point of development , while environmental capacity along the Yangtze River is still relatively large, there is a very strong transport function , the Yangtze River cargo traffic has been leading the world's major rivers many years, dense spider web River channel of communication for the city center and there is a natural hinterland transport networks and ecological corridor . " Peng Zhimin said.

Hubei Provincial Academy of Social Sciences , director of the Research Center of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River City Group Qin Zunwen said, " the Yangtze River economic belt " has become a national strategy, the formation of China's economic development "T" -shaped structure : 30 years ' coastal pricked "Pearl River Delta , long Delta , Beijing, Tianjin and support the formation of China 's economic development pattern , and now " along a horizontal" Yangtze River economic belt laterally throughout eastern, central and western of the three zones , the Chinese economy will play a new support band .

Construction of new coastal and western interactive chess game

Director of the Regional Center for Economic Research , Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences Li Yong said to the reporter , the Yangtze River economic belt throughout East Midwest, the Chinese economy in two vertical and three horizontal important cross . Last year the central work conference urbanization two vertical and three horizontal pattern, " to be in the Midwest and Northeast regions where conditions permit , relying on market forces and national planning guidance, and gradually formed a number of urban development group , led the Midwest and Northeast become an important regional development growth pole . "

In fact, the "Plan" plan first proposed the concept of eastern Midwest , the central region of requirements " accelerate the development of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River region , making the layout of promoting China's economy gradually shifted from east to west important link ." "To develop with the eastern and western zones of the lateral economic ties. Had planned to receive the transfer from the eastern zone over the consumption of energy , raw materials and more industries and products ."

Li Keqiang said that the construction of the Yangtze River economic belt , is to build mutual support coastal and Midwest , a new chess game benign interaction , through the implementation of reform and opening up and a number of major projects , so that the Yangtze River Delta , the middle reaches of the Yangtze River City Group and Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone Three . " plate " industry and infrastructure linking the elements flow together , unified market , and promote the orderly transfer of industry convergence , upgrading and development of new towns , directly contributing to the formation of more than one-fifth of the land, about 600 million people strong development new impetus .

" The biggest difference between the Yangtze River economic belt and other economic areas are the eastern , central and western natural together , can accelerate the advance of industrial gradient transfer is conducive to economic transformation and upgrading , you can continue to the west and the Silk Road economic zone connected to form open a new situation . " Vice Minister of China International Economic and exchange Center consulting Research Department Wang said.

Wang pointed out that many industries are being transferred to the eastern region of the central region , such as Little Economic Zone in Anhui being developed . The Chengdu-Chongqing region is now to develop new industries such as electronic information , but also opened the railway line bound for Europe . Regional pattern of China 's economic development and opening-up in the formation of a new situation , the construction of the Yangtze River economic belt can accelerate this process by providing a new impetus to China 's economic development , development of new space.

Li pointed out that the Yangtze river cargo has been ranked the world's first, but there is great potential. To play a greater emphasis on low water transport cost, low power consumption competitive advantage , strengthen governance dredging to improve navigation standards , to promote standardization of ship , transport capacity enhancement of the Yangtze River . In an important port along the Yangtze River and the hub nodes , co-ordination to promote water transport , railways, highways , aviation , oil and gas pipeline network of collection and distribution system, to build the network , standardized , integrated stereo intelligent transport corridor , the main artery of the Yangtze River to make more powerful radiation and leading the development of the vast hinterland .

Peng Zhimin said that this is the start of the Yangtze River economic zone in the Yangtze golden waterway construction as a breakthrough. Because transport than larger, downstream busy , midstream subject to shipping restrictions grade to smooth midstream , upstream areas because of the Three Gorges Dam reservoir , shipping capacity is increased, the need to extend upstream . Yangtze River waterway construction has a lot of content , including waterway remediation , and ship canalized rivers cascade of standardization .

Local clashing strategic dividends

At this meeting , the National Development and Reform Commission reported on the person in charge of the overall consideration of the Yangtze River economic belt construction and related planning. Shanghai , Jiangsu, Zhejiang , Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan , Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Yangtze River economic belt covering 11 provinces (municipalities ) reported the government is mainly responsible for the construction of the Yangtze River economic belt of thinking and recommendations.

In the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Transportation last year to start , "relying on the construction of China Yangtze River economic belt supporting guidance" in the drafting of the beginning , when the range is only Shanghai , Chongqing, Hubei, Sichuan , Yunnan, Hunan, Jiangxi , Anhui, Jiangsu and other nine provinces City . From the point of view of the meeting , Guizhou and Zhejiang provinces identified were included.

In fact, in the Yangtze River economic belt building a national strategy , the country will want to seize this opportunity , clashing dividend policy . Zhejiang Province Development and Reform Commission had specifically responsible to the National Development and Reform Commission will urge heads of Zhejiang into the Yangtze River economic belt . In addition, previous planning assumptions to Shanghai , Wuhan and Chongqing as the three major shipping center , but also strive to Nanjing and shipping center .

The country during the two sessions this year , Chongqing delegation also submitted to the National People's Congress ' proposal to give full play an important role in the Silk Road in Chongqing economic zone and the Yangtze River economic belt construction , "suggesting that the positioning of the Silk Road in Chongqing Yangtze River economic belt and the economy with the construction of the hub .

NDRC research planning , while the country is also developing its own plan, put forward their own interest demands , hoping to places such as planning, industrial policy and projects embedded into it.

For example , Guizhou, wants the state to give support in terms of water transport channels , high-speed railway , highway and construction of modern logistics system ; support comprehensive Free Trade Zone in Guiyang , Guiyang airport economic zone and customs clearance platform ; support Guizhou advance in the reform of the system of ecological civilization first try ; give Guizhou differentiated industrial policy.

Peng Zhimin , said: " We see this opportunity, would like to develop , this is a very good sign all want to be a leader, which is understandable , but the position of the center is to dry out , not zoned out , you can plan , though. should be based on a market economy . "

On the Yangtze River economic belt forum , Li Keqiang pledged to implement a number of major projects proposed Yangtze River waterway construction and integrated transportation network construction , it is foreseeable that the future will be busy for the project throughout the season . The central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan also with participants , indicating that construction on the Yangtze River economic belt , monetary and financial policy may be tilted. However , Peng Zhimin said the Yangtze River waterway and port construction has been done in previous years , will not be a huge investment in future growth .

In this context , the provinces how to coordinate the interests of the Yangtze River economic belt ? Peng Zhimin said: "The industry must have the same, such as Hubei and Chongqing wants to develop the car , now in Hunan , Anhui, Jiangxi, also in the development of the automobile , there is definitely a process ." Yong said to the reporter , the construction of the Yangtze River is to address the core economic zone along the industrial layout and urban agglomerations advance .

Li stressed that the construction of the Yangtze River economic belt also deepen reform and opening up, breaking the barriers of administrative divisions , and an important measure to build a unified, open , competitive and orderly modern market system of the whole basin . To establish inter- regional interaction and improve cooperation mechanisms , improve customs clearance system of the Yangtze River , better market factors play a decisive role in the optimal allocation . Implementation strategy of opening up two-way thing , and relying on the Eurasian Continental Bridge Silk Road connecting economic zone , building cities along the coast , border -round opening up a new pattern.