Government revenues accounted for the high proportion of GDP


The Beijing News (Reporter Li Lei Liu Xi if) the State Administration of Taxation [microblogging] Xu Shanda, former deputy director, said on July 30, official data released from the first half of this year, the government revenue-GDP ratio reached 44%. If a tax reform under the new stable macro tax burden principle, this proportion is significantly higher.

Xu Shanda is made ​​the statement at the 2014 annual meeting of economists summer Netease forum.

Government revenues accounted for 44% of GDP

Xu Shanda said, because statistics covered different caliber and government revenue growth, the Chinese government revenue to GDP rose from 31 per cent in 2011 to 39% in 2013, official data from the first half of this year, the government revenue accounted for proportion of GDP reached 44%.

"Government revenue budget report, a total of four, public revenue, government fund income, social insurance fund income and state-owned capital operating income which to finance the state-owned capital operating income data were not disclosed, but the number is relatively small , less than a billion. Additionally, government revenues put together the first three-GDP ratio reached 44%. "Xu Shanda bluntly," this figure is quite high. "

Treasury data show that in the first half of this year, the national fiscal revenue of 7.4638 trillion yuan, the national government fund revenue of 2.5968 trillion yuan; Human Resources and Social Department statistics show that social insurance funds in the first half total revenue of 1.7096 trillion yuan; while in the first half of this year China's GDP was 26.9044 trillion yuan. On this basis, these three government revenues accounted for 44% of GDP.

Significant government revenue to GDP ratio, which means that businesses, residents heavier tax burden. Xu Shanda, said the situation from the international point of view, the highest proportion of government revenue to GDP is the Nordic welfare state, about 45% -50%, more than 50% of individual countries, but these countries are education, health, housing is the government tube; second category is the United States, Britain, Japan and other developed countries, the macro tax burden is approximately between 35% -40%.

China's macro tax burden is too high

June 30, the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau held a meeting to consider the adoption of the "deepening of the overall tax reform program," a new round of tax reform and a clear mandate and timetable. The proposed scheme, will deepen the reform of the tax system, stable macro tax burden.

"According to the central guiding principles for stable macro tax burden, 44 percent of government revenue on the high side." Said Xu Shanda, even now 44% of the data, but also does not cover one hundred percent of all government revenue.

Xu Shanda, said the country's wealth by the government, businesses and residents to allocate tripartite government revenue growth faster, a larger proportion will squeeze income businesses and residents.

"Income and expenditure are associated, as long as spending more for the people's livelihood, the government overcharged something it does not matter, but we still exist of expenditures." Said Xu Shanda, our macro tax burden is higher than the United States, but Social Security expenditures for this point of view, than they should be small. Should undertake a comprehensive study of the whole structure of financial expenditure in the future, so that it can effectively improve fiscal strategy.