Li Keqiang clear policy focus on three major reforms during Last Stand


2014 Summer Davos yesterday (September 10) held in Tianjin. Premier Li Keqiang attended the opening ceremony and delivered a special speech. He said that China has not comprehensively deepen reform of the poor, the government take the lead in self-revolution, "bow is no turning back."

In April this year after "micro stimulus" policies have been landed, the economy has improved in the second quarter. But in the near future, some economic indicators, including PMI, including the display remained weak economy, how the Prime Minister to look at this situation? "Daily Economic News" reporter noted that Li Keqiang clear, after four months of this year, we will clung ton output capacity, Last Stand of the determination to promote key reforms indeed affect the whole body, long-term perspective to solve the immediate problem, and proposed for three direction of reform the government itself, the deep-seated structural contradictions and financial finance.

Promote economic restructuring /

Li Keqiang said that we must seize the key areas of economic and social development and weaknesses, more innovative approaches to the use of reform, focusing on "activating force, make a short board, strong entity", the precise force, directed Shi policy. This is actually a structural control, both reforms, including adjustments.

He said that China is still a developing country, we must always adhere to the economic construction as the center. Development is the last word, is the fundamental solution to all problems. Economic development does not change, the economy is not appropriate development too. For months, we have strengthened the central and western railway construction, shantytowns, pollution prevention and other livelihood and development projects, the expansion of the constraints that we are long-term balanced development "bottleneck" strong support for the new urbanization, are also effective increasing the supply of public goods. This stimulating effect on the economy should not be overlooked.

"Daily Economic News" reporter learned of an official think-tank report said that this year's shantytowns real estate investment accounted for the proportion of total development investment will reach 5.2 percent, 2.4 percentage point increase over 2013.

Li stressed that China's economy has great toughness, potential and room for maneuver, the measures we have taken advantage of both the current, more long-term benefits, the ability to prevent big ups and downs, but will not happen "hard landing."

He said that we have to reform and innovation as the driving force, on the one hand Yajian excess, especially the elimination of backward production capacity; hand and cultivate new growth points, to promote corporate mergers and acquisitions, increase energy conservation efforts, and promote the economic body metabolism.

In the first half, high energy consumption, high emission industries investment and production growth slowed down significantly, the unit GDP energy consumption fell 4.2%, carbon emission intensity decreased about 5 percent, the largest decline over the years. "To achieve the same economic growth, dependence on Meidianyouyun smaller than in the past." Li said.

To maintain steady growth of employment /

In the first half, China's economy grew 7.4%, consumer prices rose 2.3%, in the case of slowdown, 1-2 August, 31 cities survey unemployment rate remained at about 5 percent, 9.7 million new urban jobs people, compared with the same period last year increased by more than 10 million people.

A source close to the decision-makers told the "Daily Economic News" reporter, many organizations are constantly prompted to run the risk of China's economy, and pointed out that the Chinese government can not accept the 7.4 percent growth, which is driven by the interests of misunderstanding or intentional . "In particular, should see steady growth in order to preserve employment, limit regulation is relatively full employment." Li said, as the total expansion, especially in the service industry has developed rapidly, expanding employment capacity, tolerance for volatility also improved.

May be evidence that China's official non-manufacturing purchasing managers' index (PMI) rose slightly from 54.2 in July to 54.4 in August, HSBC China services PMI index in August was 54.1, with the official findings are very close. 1 to August new market players registered over 800 million, of which 3 to August after the business registration reform new registered businesses rose 61 percent, there has been growth spurt, driven by millions of people over the job.

Full RRR cuts unlikely

In the future, as the government, Li Keqiang, clearly, after four months of this year, we will co-ordinate steady growth, pro-reform, structural adjustment, improve people, risk prevention, continuous improvement and innovation macro-control ideas and methods, based on the interval control directed on strengthening regulation, promote structural reform and adjustment, clung ton output capacity, Last Stand of the determination to promote key reforms indeed affect the whole body, long-term perspective to solve the immediate problem.

Li said that, first, to continue the revolution to start from the government itself, and further increase the intensity of decentralization, deepen fiscal reforms, reform of budget management system so that a fair and efficient use of public funds. Continue to expand support services, especially in the development of enterprise development camp changed by the pilot, deepen financial reform, and promote the pilot work of private banks, clearing limit access regulate the financial sector, promote multi-level capital market development, deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises, price reform , improve energy products, medicines and medical service prices formation mechanism. Deepening the reform of investment system, promote government procurement of services, company cooperation model and franchise system; Second, continue to focus on the deep-seated structural contradictions crack further increase the effective supply of public goods, to drive effective demand, investments make up the short board, expanding residents consumption, develop new growth areas; third is to continue with the good and make an inventory of the stock of financial and monetary increments and further increase support for the real economy and new industry, new industries, and more to benefit agriculture, small and micro enterprises, service industry.

"Daily Economic News" reporter noted that the direction of reform, including the Prime Minister referred to deepen financial reform and the reform of state-owned enterprises, promoting price change and so on. At present, the overall fiscal reform program has been out for central and local government financial authority and powers divided, the establishment of local government tax system is the focus, and experienced a lot of the pilot reform of state after the local government, state-owned national level reform plan also expected to recently introduced, which will undoubtedly further promote SOE reform efforts. Promoting industrial restructuring is also four months after the policy in the list, Li Keqiang first mentioned is to continue to support the development of the service industry, especially the expansion of "Camp changed by" pilot.

State Research Center, deputy director Zhang Wenkui companies told the "Daily Economic News" reporter, because of China's statistical system is designed mainly for industrial, service, there are many "leaky system", especially the service sector accounted for the highest "Other services industry ", which includes information transmission, computer services and software industry as well as sports and entertainment and so on. From everyday life can also be found in the service sector labor market more active, do not see the economic downturn.

Funds are hot words in the Chinese economy, Li said, continue with the good and revitalize Finance incremental and stock funds, and further increase on the real economy and emerging industries, new format support, more to benefit the "three rural" small micro enterprises, service. A number of institutions such as Minsheng Securities believes that the second half will still maintain the orientation of monetary policy easing tone, but overall interest rates and falling quasi unlikely.