China accelerate the artificial intelligence technology to the ground


        The artificial intelligence industry development to global synchronization.China will accelerate the in home, car, there is no system of artificial intelligence, security and other fields of application, so as to accelerate the industry development.

        The fifth China electronic information expo concluded 10 in shenzhen.On the exhibition, artificial intelligence technology and application make the exhibition window, attracting professionals and the public.

        China's deputy minister of industry and information technology comes during the expo, said in the industrial development of artificial intelligence, "China is now with the global synchronization, such as computer vision, speech recognition niche in the international leading level, even emerged a group of have the competitive power of enterprise and research organization, has good development foundation".

        More than the exhibition pavilions are associated with artificial intelligence.5 pavilion for artificial intelligence pavilion, 4 exhibition hall for the robot and intelligent system, 3 pavilion for intelligent manufacturing and 3 d printing house.

        Hkust fly is a company specializing in speech recognition technology.Exhibited at the fair, hkust fly open platform, the company has 290000 third-party entrepreneurs around the core of the hkust xunfei technology development.

        The company's chairman qing-feng liu said in the fair, this wave of artificial intelligence can deep learning approach is put forward in 2006, ai constantly get success in the field of speech recognition, image recognition, etc.In 2017, is expected to be landing in artificial intelligence applications.Technology only constantly be applied in different fields, to get its development.

        Family service robot, partner robot, the robot at the fair, which is based on speech recognition and artificial intelligence robot can interact with human technology, entertainment, education and other services, prices in the thousands of RMB.

        Light qi group of "light" robot is a half a person high, office cabinets in the shape of ark of intelligent robots.Oscillation finger gently, "light" will be in accordance with the instructions, "pacing" slowly toward or leave instructions.Staff of the site, special education to ark robot "little light" is light and intelligent household intelligent interactive one solution, can support voice and gesture interaction.

        Due to the development of image recognition technology, the "face recognition" in China has a massive commercial basis.Cloud from technology brands, head of Xu Chao has said that face recognition nearly three to five years to maintain high growth, after the other branches of artificial intelligence such as unmanned mass gradually fall to the ground.

        Industrial robots are artificial intelligence, intelligent industrial control system and so on in the field of industrial applications.Issued in shenzhen robot industry development white paper (2016), according to a 2016 in late 2016, shenzhen has a robot enterprises, annual robot industry output value of about 78.7 billion yuan, up 24.92% from a year earlier.Over the same period in shenzhen industrial robot more than 330 enterprises, accounting for 70.4% of the robot enterprise, 2016 annual output value reached 56.4 billion yuan.

        At present, artificial intelligence has become the commanding heights of the global science and technology competition.In 2016, the global field of artificial intelligence raised by more than 60% from 2015.

        Comes, said China will increase the computer visual hearing, biometric recognition, complex environment, new type of human-computer interaction, natural language understanding, machine translation, intelligent decision control technology research and development and industrialization, support the smart chips, intelligent sensor, intelligent operating system, intelligent control system hardware and software products development, etc.

        China will accelerate the landing of artificial intelligence.Comes, will speed up the artificial intelligence technology in the home, car, unmanned systems, security and other fields of application, develop the wisdom medical care, intelligent transportation, smart grid, smart security services, actively carry out the typical intelligent application demonstration, speed up the traditional industry by information technology to the intelligent transformation.