UK media: the proposed ban in 2040 steam diesel part to solve the problem of air pollution


      The British media said, the government banned the sale is expected to announce from 2040 to start a new diesel and gasoline cars and trucks, it is committed to the part of a number of efforts to solve the problem of air pollution.

      According to Britain's the independent newspaper website reported on July 26, the government is expected to set aside a total of 255 million pounds ($335 million) of funds to help local governments to speed up the diesel vehicles introduced measures to deal with the problem of pollution, the funds will improve the air quality of money set aside in 3 billion.

      However, critics say the ban "too late", the liberal Democrats called on to the end of the 2025 new diesel vehicle sales.

      At the same time, the former Labour leader and former energy secretary, Ed miliband, said the move is not immediately take action to reduce emissions "smoke screen".

      France announced this month that a similar bans on gasoline and diesel trucks and cars, more and more signs that the conversion to the electric car is accelerating.

      25, BMW has announced plans in the Oxford factory assembly electric MINI cars, Volvo also earlier this month announced plans to develop cleaner cars.

      Before the court agrees with environmental campaigners proposed a plan to meet eu pollution limits standard point of view, the government asked to formulate a new plan to solve the problem of illegal emissions harmful gas nitrogen dioxide.

      Despite government attempts to these plans released until after the election, ministers have been forced to that in May make a draft plan, the final measures will be announced on July 31.

      The combination of the greens leader Caroline Lucas said that need to immediately take car scrappage scheme to reduce emissions.

      Environmental activists, the final plan shall include the government funding and forced area of the clean air, air pollution in cars are the most serious polluted region needs to collect fees, besides should also have a diesel car scrappage scheme.

      Foreign media said, when the British lawmakers, the mayor of London, and activists Shouting London air pollution each year by the dead time, experts say, if the London all the cars are all empty, full service, public transportation may be able to let a person live for 30 days.

      According to the BBC Chinese website on December 19, Brighton royal Sussex hospital respiratory expert professor Anthony f lu told the BBC: "the so-called outside the people health crisis, but is actually wrong statistics said, to deceive the people."

      He said that the so-called "British due to air pollution to death forty thousand people a year" is false, "that's what I put no death certificate".

      He said: "in fact is a lot of people because of air pollution to make their life slightly affected by something."Statistical expert at the university of Cambridge pilger holt told the BBC that most of the so-called "forty thousand" number from the United States a "complex" estimate of the statistical model, and the model in view of the city or the United States, is now as a basis for reference for the British government policymakers.

      But how Great Britain's air pollution is no small thing, this will directly affect the UK will cancel diesel, encourage more people to ride a bicycle, less or no expansion of the airport, that will be related to each a British citizen.

      Professor Anthony f lu said: "some campaigners for the environment protection to love too much, even deceive people, you will."

      What he said to "green peace" organization "breathing the air of London like through 15 cigarettes a day" issue.He said: "this is nonsense."

      He said: "if we make London street, a car is not left the ground public transportation or full stop, we may be able to reduce 2 microgram per cubic meter of air pollution, let you live for 30 days, or many."