The American chamber of commerce in south China again a delegation to attend hope for greater develo


      Reporters learned that today, the American chamber of commerce in south China (hereinafter referred to as "the American chamber of commerce") international investment and trade fair in xiamen delegation from yesterday to mansion.The American chamber of commerce in south China President harry "Dr Aden delegation attending, it was his 15th delegation visited mansion to attend, hope to seize the development opportunity, promote investment business in southern China region of the United States and the international enterprises to obtain greater development.

      It is understood that this delegation by harry leader Dr Ding, the delegation members include 50 multinational corporate executives.In for the third day of travel, amcham delegation will meet with the hebei, fujian and Inner Mongolia region government leadership, jointly explore opportunities, explore cooperation opportunities.The delegation will also examine the key investment project in fujian province.

      Statistics show that foreign investment enterprises to invest in China, which has now China contributed 33% of GDP, a third;The foreign capital enterprise created 27% of jobs in China.Harry said, foreign investment enterprises to invest in China mainly concentrated in the south China and east China area in the past, are now gradually into other Chinese regions.Harry was quoted as saying the heritage foundation economic freedom index list, according to the latest economic freedom in the world rankings, China ranks among the top in Hong Kong, the United States ranked has increased, 21, also in mainland China from 170 up to 120 years ago.

      , "said harry, President of the mansion contact will be one of the world's top investment and trading platform, it has become the world across the window of the regional investment.American chamber of commerce and its member companies over the past 14 years attending has achieved great success, the chamber will, as always, a year to return to the beauty of the xiamen support this event."