Place two sessions today all 29 provinces closing down GDP growth target


According to the schedule, Jilin, Guangdong and Hainan provinces, "two sessions" this will be concluded on the same day, for the 2015 national provincial place two sessions draw period. Observed throughout the two sessions, GDP growth overall downshift, anti-haze pollution, anti-corruption, decentralization and other topics prominent, personnel changes also more intensive, more than 60 provincial and ministerial level officials took office.

29 provinces lowered GDP growth target more butt national strategy

Under the economic "new normal", local governments how to plan for GDP growth? Provincial place gradually ending two sessions provide an observation window.

This year, 31 provinces, only Tibet's goal was essentially flat with last year, Beijing and other 29 provinces clear cut GDP growth target, Shanghai is simply canceled the GDP target, only proposed a "steady economic growth."

In addition to the growth rate down, the other significant change is that most of the provinces GDP growth target will be set to a range of values, rather than an absolute number.

Analysts pointed out that this is all over the initiative to adapt to the economic "new normal" of specific performance is not only beneficial for the adjustment of economic structure and deepen reform and opening to free up space, but also conducive to achieve speed diminished potential, increase in volume and better quality.

Dilute the GDP, does not mean not to develop. WASHINGTON reporter noted that several provinces will be "along the way", the joint development of Beijing, Tianjin, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, FTA, etc. regarded as a major development opportunity to actively docking strategies in these countries.

"Along the way", that President Xi Jinping in September 2013 and October, respectively, proposed the construction of the "New Silk Road economic belt" and "21st Century Maritime Silk Road" strategic concept. Two sessions this year, provincial place, the 31 provinces of the government work report spoke of "along the way" construction. Proactive planning, promising a common attitude and strive to the provinces.

Report of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei governments have made arrangements for the joint development of Beijing, Tianjin. Beijing, Hebei, write the strategy will promote the overall requirements of government work, but also identified as a priority this year, and are a separate chapter. Beijing, Tianjin and is expected to enter the joint development of a substantive breakthrough stage.

As another major focus of the implementation of the national strategy for China this year, has become the focus of the Yangtze River economic belt along the 11 provinces and two sessions on. These provinces also conducted an orientation and deployment, want to build a new economic growth pole.

It is worth noting that the FTA topic at this year's provincial local two sessions "cool." Compared to last year's Super 20 provinces stand to declare the FTA, only this year, Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Liaoning, Shandong, Guangxi, Jilin and other eight provinces will be declared a free trade zone to write the government work report. The previously approved Guangdong, Tianjin, Fujian, the clarity of this year's work plan.

Anti-corruption, governance haze, deepening reform does not avoid sensitive topics respond to social concerns

In addition to seize the opportunities for development, local governments also local problems and actively respond to community concerns.

January 25, Shanghai Mayor Yang Xiong in the government work report, with more than 600 words in length comes to the Bund stampede. Yang Xiong reflect on lessons from the accident in the report, said the incident exposed the existence of significant omissions in the work of Shanghai urban safety, major hazards, pointed out that "the lives of the people above all, extremely heavy responsibility on our shoulders," with a high spirit of responsibility, dedicated assumed responsibility, and do everything to maintain public safety and property security and urban run their lives.

For a single incident to great lengths mentioned that the government work report in Shanghai in recent years are rare. And in recent years, frequently haze invasion of Beijing, Tianjin, but also unavoidable emphasis on air pollution control in the two sessions.

Beijing will "continue grasp of air pollution control," as one of the main tasks in 2015, and made of fine particulate matter in the air (PM2.5) concentrations decreased an average annual target of around 5%; Tianjin People's Congress for consideration by January 30 "Tianjin air Pollution prevention Act, "will be held March 1 this year, formally implemented, in order to defend the rule of law and fresh air; Hebei PM2.5 annual fall target of more than 4%, and made more specific joint prevention of air pollution control measures.

As the eighth after the Fourth Plenary Session held in two sessions provincial place, the rule of law and corruption has become an important issue. Among them, a "systematic collapse of the way corruption" energy province of Shanxi, popular attention. Shanxi long Li Xiaopeng said to be "deeply learn the painful lessons of the province of serious corruption problem occurs, never allow any corrupt with impunity."

After eighteen corruption storm became the first "disaster area" of Sichuan governor Wei Hong, the government reported about 15,000 words, and with more than 1,200 words, talking about anti-corruption and the rule of law and the government to speed up construction, and it as one of the priorities in 2015. "We are deeply aware of, to fully and effectively carry out the functions of government is good government by law must be." Said Wei Hong, the provincial government will regulate the administrative authority by law, can not insist on no legal authorization to strengthen the power restriction supervision, continued to promote the style.

Similarly, the central inspection teams that "cadres prevalent right color deal", "capable corruption" of Jiangsu, as well as a clear case of naked corruption official in Guangdong, etc., are in the government work report at the rule of law as a government building in 2015 key tasks.

2015 is a crucial year for comprehensive deepening the reform of administrative examination and approval system reform, the reform of state owned enterprise reform ...... flashed across two sessions, the list of this year's race.

Streamlining administrative approval, standardize intermediary services, public list of local governments have the power ...... drying out decentralization release "dividend" report card and made the focal point of the next decentralization.

SOE reform is the focus of this year's reform of the provinces and autonomous regions in the field, "restructuring and listing," "mixed ownership", "overall market", "the state-owned capital operation platform" have become key words.

More than 60 provincial and ministerial level officials took office more than fill vacant positions eligible

In the eighteen after anti-corruption storm with some old and new replacement officials in the background, a lot of personnel vacancies need to be filled in two sessions on this place. Since January 7, Hebei lead to two sessions held on February 12, in addition to Shanxi, Jilin, Shanghai, and has not been concluded, 28 provinces have been personnel changes provincial officials, more than 60 provincial and ministerial level officials took office including seven provincial "number one."

Among them, two were elected as the head of the provincial government, namely Moses Yunnan, Xinjiang and snow grams to mention �� Zha Keer. In addition, the end of December last year from the State Oceanic Administration, "airborne" Hainan Liu Cigui, as usual, will be closed today in Hainan, "two sessions" on "positive."

2 people elected provincial People's Congress, namely: Corneille wood Sen was elected second session of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People's Congress, second session of the Standing Committee of Yunnan Province Li Jiheng elected director.

In addition three elected provincial chairman of the CPPCC, namely Tianjin Zangxian Fu, Sichuan Kezun Ping, Wang Rong and Guangdong. So far, 31 provincial chairman of the CPPCC National supplement in place.

Among them, Kezun Ping, Wang Rong replace the previous system were sacked "former" Li Chongxi, Zhu Mingguo. Also due to corruption and "missing man" many provincial positions on the local two sessions be reimbursed, as in 2014 the Standing Committee of the Lok Ma Sui Fengfu deputy director of Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Tie Xin, Vice Chairman, respectively, by ������, Shi Guiru took over.

But it is worth noting that in 2014, Jin Daoming Shanxi Province, deputy director of the Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the provincial order policy has sacked, but in the last two sessions, the Shanxi provincial no personnel changes.