APEC meeting through the "Beijing Platform" Start FTAAP process


Why is Roundtable

Acting Director of Protocol Ministry of Foreign Affairs before ³�� New: roundtable meeting designed, there is no social status issues, the Council are the round table, round table on the concierge order are equal.

China Daily reporter Wang Lei in Beijing

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Informal Meeting twenty-second Huairou Yanqi held yesterday in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping presided over the meeting. Xi Jinping stressed in his speech the new situation, we should further promote regional economic integration, to create conducive to long-term development of the open landscape, and vigorously promote the FTAAP process. We should strive to promote reform and innovation, and tap new growth point and driving force, the release of endogenous power through restructuring. We should accelerate the improvement of infrastructure, to create a full range of interconnection pattern, so that the foot of the road, rules of the road, the road of spiritual connection to all members on both sides of the Pacific.

China will provide 1,500 training places

Xi Jinping thereon 4:00 proposition.

The important consensus reached by the first joint planning and development vision to start the FTAAP process, promote interoperability, seek innovation and development and other aspects into action.

Second, jointly cope with global challenges, properly deal with pandemics, food security, energy security and other global issues.

Third, work together to build cooperation platform, the platform for APEC to fight the advancing system integration, strengthen the exchange of experiences policy platform, oppose trade protectionism, open platform, the development platform to deepen economic and technical cooperation, and promote interoperability coupling platform. China will contribute $ 10 million to support APEC mechanism and capacity building.

Fourth, seek common linkage development, increase financial and technical support to developing members. The next three years, the Chinese government will provide APEC developing member 1500 training places for capacity-building projects such as trade and investment fields.

Xi pointed out that a flower is not a spring, Guyan difficult to make the trip. Let us take the Beijing Yanqi as a new starting point, leading the world economy Goose, flying more and vast blue sky.

"Along the way" to build win-win way

Leaders of economies around the theme, on "Promoting regional economic integration," "promote economic innovation and development, reform and growth," "strengthen all-round construction of infrastructure and interoperability," three key topics to discuss.

Xi stressed that the conduct interoperability is the core of China's cooperation "along the way" initiative. China welcomes the active participation of like-minded friends together to be "along the way" into everyone's way of cooperation, friendship road, win-win way.

16:00, the meeting concluded. The Conference adopted the "Beijing Platform: Building integration, innovation, interconnected Asia-Pacific - APEC Leaders' Declaration" and "build a future-oriented partnership between Asia and the Pacific - the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the APEC declaration."

After the meeting, Xi Jinping, Chinese and foreign reporters about the situation and the results achieved meetings.

It is understood that the 2015 APEC conference will be held in Manila, Philippines.

This edition except for signature outside, according to Xinhua News Agency, CCTV

Beijing APEC eight major achievements

1. "build a future-oriented partnership between Asia and the Pacific - the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the APEC declaration" is a monumental history APEC statement.

2. adopted the "Beijing Platform."

3. Decides to start and advance the process of Asia-Pacific free trade zone, the approval of the "APEC promote the realization of an FTAAP road map", marking the FTAAP process officially started.

4. To approve an important cooperation initiatives in global value chains, supply chain, capacity-building and other areas.

5. adopted the "APEC Economic innovation and development, reform and growth consensus."

6. vigorously promote the Asia-Pacific anti-corruption cooperation, the establishment of APEC anti-corruption law enforcement cooperation network.

7. To approve the "APEC interoperability blueprint."

8. Decides that the implementation of the new initiatives of cross-border education, business travel card, cross-border travel, so that more people benefit.

>> Interpretation

Why China donated $ 10 million?

     World Institute for Development Research Center of the State Council Development Ding Yifan told China Daily interview that APEC is a forum, who undertake, who host. China donated $ 10 million as an initial fee, which shows that China really ready to make up APEC. This $ 10 million was used to finance the normal operation of APEC, is administrative costs. "I think this show that China is growing, and China started diplomatic arena."

FTA or the 2020 harvest prototype

Yesterday, the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Research Fellow, Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation Mei Xinyu accept China Daily reporter said that the Asia-Pacific free trade zone, once completed, will be China's first transcontinental advocated promoting FTA with landmark.

Mei Xinyu said that the Asia-Pacific bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation mechanism numerous, interwoven, overlapping, resulting in a "spaghetti bowl" effect - mix together, the rationale no clue. This starts the process of Asia-Pacific free trade, will help to further integrate the Asia-Pacific region in various multilateral free trade arrangements, changes in regional integration presents fragmented, overlapping trend. Mei Xinyu believe that the smooth progress of the Asia-Pacific free trade zone will enhance the strategic position of China, "China will become the makers and promoters of the rule." If the Asia-Pacific FTA talks smooth start for enterprises to better development prospects will bring more employment opportunities and development space for individual residents, and enjoy a more cost-effective imported goods and services.

Yesterday, the Department of Commerce International Trade and Economic Cooperation Institute of International Market Research Department deputy ��� accept China Daily interviewed predicted that Asia-Pacific free trade zone in 2020 about forming a prototype.